Friday, July 15, 2005

Some pics from various places.

This is a small waterfall in Mass. during a family reunion in 2004.

Trip to Wild Adventures, GA.
Waterfall display in front of a restaurant.
Same waterfall, playing with fast shutter speed.
The same flower, different lighting.

A beautiful lily.

Friday, July 01, 2005


My name is AJ. This is my little space in the world. I'm married to a lovely woman by the name of Tabatha. We've been married for 15 years now. We have 2 awesome children. I'm 37 and approximatly 6'2 and 230lbs. We live in Georgia and attend Christian Fellowship Church (

I'm a believer in the One, True, Living God. He is the God almighty and He reigns. His son Jesus is Lord and the savior of the world. He's coming back, will you be ready? Just accept Him into your heart and confess Him as Lord with your mouth. Yes, your mouth. Believe and confess......done.

I've been called to the ministry of God since I was around 9 years old. I've not lived a Christian life all this time, but I'm striving. I press toward the mark of the calling which is in Christ Jesus. I've slipped and fallen, but I continued to get back up again. My life is a story of forgiveness and love, and maybe over the months to come, maybe through this medium, you'll hear about it. Just know that I'm a work in progress. I know my area of ministry is dealing with men and I am excited to do so. I've recently been asked by my Pastor, Bishop Harvey Bee to head-up the Men's Ministry. I gladly excepted and we're excited about the plans and vision from God. Right now, we're in a series titled "Every Man's Battle; Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time" (a book by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker, & Mike Yorkey). The results so far (we're about halfway) have been no less than awe-inspiring. Men are standing up and taking their rightful places in their homes and in the church. The turn-out each Wednesday night have set records for men's attendance at our church.

Gotta get back to work, but I'll write more later.....